I was randomly surfing the net and browsing friendster profiles when I chanced upon something which my friend wrote about regarding love:
Why do you love? Is it to sastisfy your own desires and wants? That's not love. Love is patient and kind. It is not selfish.
If only people truly understood the meaning of love.
Love, to me, remains a constant mystery and a profound insight. Break-ups are ever so often nowadays and I really wonder, is it silly to think that your first love can be the only love of your life? Do we really have to experience the emotional ups and downs of relationships to discover the right 'love'?
Love. Heh.
Enter The ClemCube
what is clemcube? you're looking at it.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Writing Whatever I Can Think Of Now
Henry just left for Australia to study a few days back and I truly regret being unable to send him off at the airport that day due to work commitments but I made it up by having a good breakfast with him in the morning. Study hard and have fun over there Henry! See you in about 10 months time! And remember to send me pix of your aussie chick! Haha..pity my tennis sparring partner is no more in Singapore and guess I'll be playing tennis less frequently now..
And I'd really like to thank Calvin for spending time to head down my place to help me out with the computer. Without you it wouldn't have been possible for me to be blogging right now. And also thanks for listening me out that night and I thought we had a really good talk over a cup of coffee. Keep in touch and we'll come out for another cup of coffee soon! :)
Chinese New Year is just around the corner and as usual I'll be on a weekend cruise trip with my relatives. Means time for revenge! Haha...I must win back the money I lost at that very same casino last year..Wonder how this trip will be like though. Seems short to say the least, on paper it says 3D2N but in fact it's just 1D1N. We check in and board the damn ship in the evening and check out on the 3rd day in the afternoon so it's really sucky cos we're paying for such a high price and it's goin to be only one day of relaxation on the ship?!?! So I'd betta do well in the casino this time round. This time, Kai An's back and we can eat together at Blue Lagoon again! But there's no Grace this time round as she's visiting her boyfriend overseas..Oh'd be interesting to see whether I can get to know Carrie better as shez joining us for the first time. 3 days to go..
Planning to blog about gambling and luck and probability on my next entry..I dunno when I will pen my next entry though coz it depends on my mood. Haha.
I'll end here for now.
Henry just left for Australia to study a few days back and I truly regret being unable to send him off at the airport that day due to work commitments but I made it up by having a good breakfast with him in the morning. Study hard and have fun over there Henry! See you in about 10 months time! And remember to send me pix of your aussie chick! Haha..pity my tennis sparring partner is no more in Singapore and guess I'll be playing tennis less frequently now..
And I'd really like to thank Calvin for spending time to head down my place to help me out with the computer. Without you it wouldn't have been possible for me to be blogging right now. And also thanks for listening me out that night and I thought we had a really good talk over a cup of coffee. Keep in touch and we'll come out for another cup of coffee soon! :)
Chinese New Year is just around the corner and as usual I'll be on a weekend cruise trip with my relatives. Means time for revenge! Haha...I must win back the money I lost at that very same casino last year..Wonder how this trip will be like though. Seems short to say the least, on paper it says 3D2N but in fact it's just 1D1N. We check in and board the damn ship in the evening and check out on the 3rd day in the afternoon so it's really sucky cos we're paying for such a high price and it's goin to be only one day of relaxation on the ship?!?! So I'd betta do well in the casino this time round. This time, Kai An's back and we can eat together at Blue Lagoon again! But there's no Grace this time round as she's visiting her boyfriend overseas..Oh'd be interesting to see whether I can get to know Carrie better as shez joining us for the first time. 3 days to go..
Planning to blog about gambling and luck and probability on my next entry..I dunno when I will pen my next entry though coz it depends on my mood. Haha.
I'll end here for now.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Liverpool v Chelsea 200107
I will never get sick of watching these two brilliant goals..
Kuyt's Brilliance
Pennant's Hotshot
Kuyt's Brilliance
Pennant's Hotshot
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Go The Extra Mile For Service
The GEMS movement, which stands for 'Go the extra mile for service' was meant to improve service levels in Singapore. I wonder how the campaign is doing right now.
As a service representative (I'm working part-time currently) myself, I hate to say that I will not go the extra mile for service, simply because the customer won't go the extra mile to be nice to us service representatives. If the customer presents himself/herself in such a rude manner, how do you expect me to give you good service? In such scenarios, expect me to be hostile to the customer, simply because I don't need such a arrogant buyer to patronize the shop. He/She can take the filthy money and spend it elsewhere.
In sales, it is true that we are 'high-class beggars' in a sense, because ultimately if customers refuse to buy your goods, as a boss of the shop, you probably will be threadin in deep shit. But that doesn't mean customers can do what they want right? Why can't some idiotic customers just learn to be more polite towards the salesperson and if need be, bargain in a mild-mannered way?
My colleague was an unlucky victim of an Australian customer in the shop today, who was fuckin rude to start in the first place, and he named a last price immediately for the suitcase he wanted which was ridiculously low and barely above its cost price. When my colleague refused to give in to his demands, he raised his voice and said he'd take the suitcase now, but he will never return to patronize the shop ever again. According to my colleague and aunt, they said he was a familiar face and the former remembered him coming back weeks ago saying the same thing. HOW COME HE IS BACK IN OUR SHOP PURCHASING SUITCASES IF HE SAID HE DIDN'T WANT TO RETURN? Obviously he is such a shameless loser who does not keep to his word and is one very very unreasonable customer.
As a customer, if you want good service, you must be polite to start with.. it's a two-way thing. Too bad some idiots just don't get the point.
Talking about attitude, I'm still feeling upset about a certain friend's 'cannot be bothered' attitude. The way he conveyed his message to me via SMS was shocking to say the least...I really thought he was kinda rude. If hez readng this I hope he can sit down and think about it.
Maybe he just didn't think his SMSes were, sort of, insensitive. And he needs to know I'm working as a salesperson which means he should stop calling me because it's not nice for my colleagues to see me on the phone when I'm supposed to be at work. It's not *** you know.
The GEMS movement, which stands for 'Go the extra mile for service' was meant to improve service levels in Singapore. I wonder how the campaign is doing right now.
As a service representative (I'm working part-time currently) myself, I hate to say that I will not go the extra mile for service, simply because the customer won't go the extra mile to be nice to us service representatives. If the customer presents himself/herself in such a rude manner, how do you expect me to give you good service? In such scenarios, expect me to be hostile to the customer, simply because I don't need such a arrogant buyer to patronize the shop. He/She can take the filthy money and spend it elsewhere.
In sales, it is true that we are 'high-class beggars' in a sense, because ultimately if customers refuse to buy your goods, as a boss of the shop, you probably will be threadin in deep shit. But that doesn't mean customers can do what they want right? Why can't some idiotic customers just learn to be more polite towards the salesperson and if need be, bargain in a mild-mannered way?
My colleague was an unlucky victim of an Australian customer in the shop today, who was fuckin rude to start in the first place, and he named a last price immediately for the suitcase he wanted which was ridiculously low and barely above its cost price. When my colleague refused to give in to his demands, he raised his voice and said he'd take the suitcase now, but he will never return to patronize the shop ever again. According to my colleague and aunt, they said he was a familiar face and the former remembered him coming back weeks ago saying the same thing. HOW COME HE IS BACK IN OUR SHOP PURCHASING SUITCASES IF HE SAID HE DIDN'T WANT TO RETURN? Obviously he is such a shameless loser who does not keep to his word and is one very very unreasonable customer.
As a customer, if you want good service, you must be polite to start with.. it's a two-way thing. Too bad some idiots just don't get the point.
Talking about attitude, I'm still feeling upset about a certain friend's 'cannot be bothered' attitude. The way he conveyed his message to me via SMS was shocking to say the least...I really thought he was kinda rude. If hez readng this I hope he can sit down and think about it.
Maybe he just didn't think his SMSes were, sort of, insensitive. And he needs to know I'm working as a salesperson which means he should stop calling me because it's not nice for my colleagues to see me on the phone when I'm supposed to be at work. It's not *** you know.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Need (nēd)
I was travelling back home on the MRT when I gazed around and one of the MRT signs caught my attention: You know those two-seater areas? Therez always these signs which read - "Please give up your seat to those who need it more than you do"..and the signs come with pictorials of the elderly and pregnant ladies..
That sentence went through my mind repeatedly as I questioned myself whether or not this was the best way to phrase the sentence...Let's go through it again one more time:
"Please give up your seat to those who need it more than you do"
What if I need the seat more than the pregnant women and the elderly? Does it still mean I have to give up my seat to those with white hair or those with big tummies? Let's check out the definition of need:
Assuming the word is a noun, we have..
You find the sacred seat in the MRT...beat the elderly to the seat. HAHA! Just as you thought you are goin to enjoy the comfort for the rest of the journey, you see two eyes staring at you....white-haired, wrinkled face, every feature you can imagine on an old man. Then you look to your opposite and see that stupid sign "Please give up your seat to those who need it more than you do". Would you give up your seat?
How do you measure whether you need it more, or whether the elderly needs it more? Not all old people need to sit down right...if that old man is actually a very healthy person and can afford to stand for a period of time...won't you need the seat more coz your legs might crack anytime? Does this mean you still need to give up your seat to him just because of his age?
What would you do, would you heck it and let others stare at you for all they like since you think you need the seat more, or ultimately succumb to the what the sign is obviously trying to aim at? Come to think of it, the sign does not really state its case explicitly...does it?
A lot of bullshit in this entry right? Haha..whole lot of crap about the definition of need..I welcome any sort of it vile, constructive, negative or wadsoever.
I was travelling back home on the MRT when I gazed around and one of the MRT signs caught my attention: You know those two-seater areas? Therez always these signs which read - "Please give up your seat to those who need it more than you do"..and the signs come with pictorials of the elderly and pregnant ladies..
That sentence went through my mind repeatedly as I questioned myself whether or not this was the best way to phrase the sentence...Let's go through it again one more time:
"Please give up your seat to those who need it more than you do"
What if I need the seat more than the pregnant women and the elderly? Does it still mean I have to give up my seat to those with white hair or those with big tummies? Let's check out the definition of need:
Assuming the word is a noun, we have..
- A condition or situation in which something is required or wanted: crops in need of water; a need for affection.
- Something required or wanted; a requisite: "Those of us who led the charge for these women's issues ... shared a common vision in the needs of women" (Olympia Snowe).
- Necessity; obligation: There is no need for you to go.
- A condition of poverty or misfortune: The family is in dire need.
You find the sacred seat in the MRT...beat the elderly to the seat. HAHA! Just as you thought you are goin to enjoy the comfort for the rest of the journey, you see two eyes staring at you....white-haired, wrinkled face, every feature you can imagine on an old man. Then you look to your opposite and see that stupid sign "Please give up your seat to those who need it more than you do". Would you give up your seat?
How do you measure whether you need it more, or whether the elderly needs it more? Not all old people need to sit down right...if that old man is actually a very healthy person and can afford to stand for a period of time...won't you need the seat more coz your legs might crack anytime? Does this mean you still need to give up your seat to him just because of his age?
What would you do, would you heck it and let others stare at you for all they like since you think you need the seat more, or ultimately succumb to the what the sign is obviously trying to aim at? Come to think of it, the sign does not really state its case explicitly...does it?
A lot of bullshit in this entry right? Haha..whole lot of crap about the definition of need..I welcome any sort of it vile, constructive, negative or wadsoever.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
ORD Thoughts
It has been a long long 2 years to say the least, and I'm grateful that it has finally ended. To say that time flies would have been incorrect, but indeed I could still recall the moment when I was still lamenting on my first day after being enlisted that serving NS was a total waste of my time, my youth and wadever. And right now, that pink IC which smelled so good is back in my wallet! Haha...ORD LOH!!! Embrace 2007!
2007 has not been a good start for me in terms of $$ haha...lost quite alot in soccer betting and as eager I am as to recoup my losses, I know I must be patient and wait for the right chance to bounce back haha...anyway, back to the main topic:
I just wanna take this chance to thank some ppl in my camp for these 2 years for making my life so interesting and vibrant, you guys have been my greatest buddies and hope we do keep in touch in the times ahead...
Henry, lover of Agnes
Sounds cliche, but you have been a great friend really. You better be honoured that you are first on my thank-you list, haha but really...I enjoyed 'bullying' you and you also inspired me to take up tennis. OK lar, you may be better than me in terms of tennis but that's about it haha.. Outings with you, the twins and Hian Liang have been great. And thanks for the rides home after our tennis sessions...Buying soya bean for me at times in office and in return you steal my jacket to wear in office rite. See? I knew you had an ulterior motive! Haha..but I know you gonna leave soon for Aussieland to pursue your medicine studies and that totally sucks. Which means I can't thrash you in tennis already moppet. You better remember me because if you don't, I'll KILL U! And please don't deny you like Agnes because I know you do! Haha, anyway just wanna say that without you, 2 years would have been slow coz there no one I can bully! =)
The famous twins, Jiv/Jay
Well loved in VJ and well loved in *** as well. It's a shame I only got to know you guys more in *** but it's never too late. Jiv, you have been a crazy guy to hang out with, and I'm sure we enjoyed bullying Henry..Haha don't think I dunno, you act hardworking in *** only, actually u have been slacking all these while and surfing forums rite? Haha u slacker! Delegate your work to Mark think I dunno! =) And dun worry coz u'd get laid pretty soon! When you go overseas to study I'm sure you will be so popular among the girls coz of your chest hair and cheeky characteristics, you will find yourself spoilt with choices haha! As for Jay, SOTY!!! Forever dedicated in wadever you do, it has been a pleasure knowing you. Your unselfish attitude and generosity has really impressed me. Thanks for always booking the tennis courts for us to use, look forward to meeting up with you twins soon again! It'd be fast, ORD LOH!
Shaun, Workaholic in the day, party animal in the night
My fellow colleague in my department and it has really been my privilege to work with you. This man is crazy. He is so organised with his work (which earned him the title SOTY 2005) that I can't believe he says he is so stressed in SMU right now. Haha...anyway thanks for visiting me near my ORD and such a pity I won't be able to be you schoolmate at SMU...But do keep in touch!
Hian Liang, Slacker Club President
You must be enjoying your bloody time in Edinburgh right now brudder! Still remember I dared you to lie down right at the centre of the bridge at Clarke Quay for 5 minutes? Can't believe you did it for $10 man...all was well worth it! All the people who passed by tot u were nuts! HAHA..been great slacking and hanging around with you...stay cool and remember to contact me when you return!
ZhongZheng, King of Pang Seh
Oh yes you always pang seh one lor.. lazy ass..raining den dun wan to come out of your house..haha..and I dunno why you love flirting with Henry in office everyday. Go toilet also must go together. Haha..anyway you too are going to ORD soon, so all the best and keep in touch!
Tech Support and Simon
My bowling khakis! Haha...and I will definitely miss those late night drive arounds to eat supper, play pool, go KTV..must have such outings again soon! To Victor, thanks for always burning TVB Dramas for me I really love TVB shows! To Albin and Weide, thanks for always being so nice and always letting me slack in tech support room and everything! And of course Simon, thanks for being the never-complaining driver during our late night outings! Forever BRUDDERS!
Like to thank all those people whom I didn't mention too, like Benison(thanks for the Emma Watson portrait! I think I still have it with me!), Sherman, Dhruv and alot of other past seniors who really helped me settle in *** along the way. Thanks Tracy, Chye Joo, Ivan, Chye Ping and Mike for being very nice regulars and offering me food occasionally, I too deeply appreciate it.
To those I absolutely disliked(I won't use 'hate' because that's too strong a word to use), I won't mention my grudge against you but these idiots are only a rare minority so don't worry because if I say hello to you if I see you in office you are probably not on my 'dislike' list.
It has been a long long 2 years to say the least, and I'm grateful that it has finally ended. To say that time flies would have been incorrect, but indeed I could still recall the moment when I was still lamenting on my first day after being enlisted that serving NS was a total waste of my time, my youth and wadever. And right now, that pink IC which smelled so good is back in my wallet! Haha...ORD LOH!!! Embrace 2007!
2007 has not been a good start for me in terms of $$ haha...lost quite alot in soccer betting and as eager I am as to recoup my losses, I know I must be patient and wait for the right chance to bounce back haha...anyway, back to the main topic:
I just wanna take this chance to thank some ppl in my camp for these 2 years for making my life so interesting and vibrant, you guys have been my greatest buddies and hope we do keep in touch in the times ahead...
Henry, lover of Agnes
Sounds cliche, but you have been a great friend really. You better be honoured that you are first on my thank-you list, haha but really...I enjoyed 'bullying' you and you also inspired me to take up tennis. OK lar, you may be better than me in terms of tennis but that's about it haha.. Outings with you, the twins and Hian Liang have been great. And thanks for the rides home after our tennis sessions...Buying soya bean for me at times in office and in return you steal my jacket to wear in office rite. See? I knew you had an ulterior motive! Haha..but I know you gonna leave soon for Aussieland to pursue your medicine studies and that totally sucks. Which means I can't thrash you in tennis already moppet. You better remember me because if you don't, I'll KILL U! And please don't deny you like Agnes because I know you do! Haha, anyway just wanna say that without you, 2 years would have been slow coz there no one I can bully! =)
The famous twins, Jiv/Jay
Well loved in VJ and well loved in *** as well. It's a shame I only got to know you guys more in *** but it's never too late. Jiv, you have been a crazy guy to hang out with, and I'm sure we enjoyed bullying Henry..Haha don't think I dunno, you act hardworking in *** only, actually u have been slacking all these while and surfing forums rite? Haha u slacker! Delegate your work to Mark think I dunno! =) And dun worry coz u'd get laid pretty soon! When you go overseas to study I'm sure you will be so popular among the girls coz of your chest hair and cheeky characteristics, you will find yourself spoilt with choices haha! As for Jay, SOTY!!! Forever dedicated in wadever you do, it has been a pleasure knowing you. Your unselfish attitude and generosity has really impressed me. Thanks for always booking the tennis courts for us to use, look forward to meeting up with you twins soon again! It'd be fast, ORD LOH!
Shaun, Workaholic in the day, party animal in the night
My fellow colleague in my department and it has really been my privilege to work with you. This man is crazy. He is so organised with his work (which earned him the title SOTY 2005) that I can't believe he says he is so stressed in SMU right now. Haha...anyway thanks for visiting me near my ORD and such a pity I won't be able to be you schoolmate at SMU...But do keep in touch!
Hian Liang, Slacker Club President
You must be enjoying your bloody time in Edinburgh right now brudder! Still remember I dared you to lie down right at the centre of the bridge at Clarke Quay for 5 minutes? Can't believe you did it for $10 man...all was well worth it! All the people who passed by tot u were nuts! HAHA..been great slacking and hanging around with you...stay cool and remember to contact me when you return!
ZhongZheng, King of Pang Seh
Oh yes you always pang seh one lor.. lazy ass..raining den dun wan to come out of your house..haha..and I dunno why you love flirting with Henry in office everyday. Go toilet also must go together. Haha..anyway you too are going to ORD soon, so all the best and keep in touch!
Tech Support and Simon
My bowling khakis! Haha...and I will definitely miss those late night drive arounds to eat supper, play pool, go KTV..must have such outings again soon! To Victor, thanks for always burning TVB Dramas for me I really love TVB shows! To Albin and Weide, thanks for always being so nice and always letting me slack in tech support room and everything! And of course Simon, thanks for being the never-complaining driver during our late night outings! Forever BRUDDERS!
Like to thank all those people whom I didn't mention too, like Benison(thanks for the Emma Watson portrait! I think I still have it with me!), Sherman, Dhruv and alot of other past seniors who really helped me settle in *** along the way. Thanks Tracy, Chye Joo, Ivan, Chye Ping and Mike for being very nice regulars and offering me food occasionally, I too deeply appreciate it.
To those I absolutely disliked(I won't use 'hate' because that's too strong a word to use), I won't mention my grudge against you but these idiots are only a rare minority so don't worry because if I say hello to you if I see you in office you are probably not on my 'dislike' list.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A Blog I Never Should Have Read
As usual, I'd like to start my post on a rather happy note, since this entry is going to be one that will have different kinds of feelings running through me as I type it down.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who made my sister's wedding on 25 Nov such a success, especially Nick's 'brudders' and Dawn's 'sisters', and those who attended the dinner, as well as any other people who helped in the cause in one way or another. Really appreciate every individual's efforts, including those of the hotel staff. It felt great to sit at the VIP table, and I was glad my sister was a very happy woman that night. Although I had to spend on my suit and other stuffs to prepare for this wedding, it was all well worth it as I was glad to receive positive comments that night hehe. Anyway, will update once the pictures are ready.
Next, to those who remembered my 20th birthday, I sincerely thank you all and appreciate it lots. To those who didn't, it's ok..I still love you all :] well I am guilty of forgetting some of my frens' brithdays too at times..but I want to thank these people especially: Henry, Jiv, Jay, ZZ, Simon, Albin, Wei De and Victor..THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUCH A WONDERFUL PRESENT and I really love the Adidas Bag that you all shared to buy for me..bloody hell you all are my great buddies man!
Ok, with that, let me start. What actually inspired me to finally blog after such a long absence was the fact that I had chanced upon my former classmate's blog. You see, he was one guy who apparently hated me during our JC times (I only knew that he hated me so much after reading his blog) because he thought that I had backstabbed him in some sort, and pointed me out especially for the split-up of my class into two main factions: he claiming his 'gang' and my 'gang'. Initially, when I read his blog I was really hurt, or rather, affected by some of the things he said about me. Well, things like Bast***, Shi*, Fuck*r,and more vile words aimed at me, as well as occasionally blasting my other classmates whom he thought made him like a total fool. I really didn't think he disliked me to such an extent, since he DID NOT express it so explicitly when we met in school. Guess he vented all his frustrations on his BLOG and criticized me for alot of things..I shall not go into it here.
I just want to make it clear to HIM although he most probably won't see this entry:
1. I am NOT what you described me to be as in YOUR bloody blog
2. All the time you lambasted me on your blog that I speak with no actions, how about you, if you aren't happy with me, tell me IN MY FACE!
3. Regarding your saga with a certain gal, I did what I thought was right and please, DO NOT MAKE IT SOUND AS IF you are a fucking victim out of everything. I can't possibly tell you to stop liking someone so I encouraged you out of goodwill to keep going. Is THAT wrong?
4. IF YOU CAN'T GET A GIRL, don't blame others. Ask yourself why the girl wasn't attracted to you and try to improve on it. QUIT COMPLAINING that others are handsome and that you are fuckface.
5. For the record, I DID NOT usurp the 'throne' as you said of being the CT Rep in class. PLEASE, like I give a damn about that title. You can have it all you want.
6. YOU GOT YOUR STORY WRONG. You were NEVER the class mascot at the start of the term and neither everyone's best friend, at least not for me.
7. And quit your paranoia. Since when do I always stare at you during lectures? For fuck's sake if I wanted to stare you'd be the last person I'd stare at. Crazy.
8. You ASSUME too much. Very interesting story of me trying to upset your GOOD FRIEND by taking the same bus as the girl he liked. Dun be childish can, so I can't go near a girl that you or your fren has a liking for? Moreover, we both stay in the east and are classmates so I don't get your point seriously.
9. You claim I go around telling people I will fail my tests and results, and then I end up with full marks for my Chem Prac. And, you keep harping on other examples to quote? That was the only occasion FYI, the rest of the times I said I would do badly and I really did, at least not to my expectations. FYI I got D E O O for my prelims, you cool with that? So BLOODY ASS STOP using the same example in like 200 of your entries?
10. Don't let your jealousy get the better of you. Touching a girl on her shoulder is an outrage of modesty? THEN THE WHOLE OF VJC males has committed it at least once. I'm surprised you even bother to count and observe the number of times the guys in my 'gang' did that. And there is a difference between molestation and making fun of them. DUN EXAGGERATE.
11. If you hate me that much, why haven't you deleted me on your MSN contact list? Thanks to Meebo, I discovered you still have me. For bad-mouthing me behind my back, you deserve to die and I have already removed you from my list.
The bottomline is, I think you should go do a reality-check on yourself. I don't hate you for writing such vile comments about me, but after reading your blog, I've learnt something really valuable: You can't please everyone in life. Some will hate you, some will like you.
You are the first person I know that really hated me so much. If you count your two good friends in your 'gang', I guess that adds up to 3. And all because of the girls you and your friend liked that caused so much unhappiness between us.. enough for you to conjure up such a wonderful storyline that had me as the main actor, and with other classmates not in your 'gang' serving as a marvellous supporting cast.
For my former classmates who happen to be reading this, you should know who I'm referring to.
As usual, I'd like to start my post on a rather happy note, since this entry is going to be one that will have different kinds of feelings running through me as I type it down.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who made my sister's wedding on 25 Nov such a success, especially Nick's 'brudders' and Dawn's 'sisters', and those who attended the dinner, as well as any other people who helped in the cause in one way or another. Really appreciate every individual's efforts, including those of the hotel staff. It felt great to sit at the VIP table, and I was glad my sister was a very happy woman that night. Although I had to spend on my suit and other stuffs to prepare for this wedding, it was all well worth it as I was glad to receive positive comments that night hehe. Anyway, will update once the pictures are ready.
Next, to those who remembered my 20th birthday, I sincerely thank you all and appreciate it lots. To those who didn't, it's ok..I still love you all :] well I am guilty of forgetting some of my frens' brithdays too at times..but I want to thank these people especially: Henry, Jiv, Jay, ZZ, Simon, Albin, Wei De and Victor..THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUCH A WONDERFUL PRESENT and I really love the Adidas Bag that you all shared to buy for me..bloody hell you all are my great buddies man!
Ok, with that, let me start. What actually inspired me to finally blog after such a long absence was the fact that I had chanced upon my former classmate's blog. You see, he was one guy who apparently hated me during our JC times (I only knew that he hated me so much after reading his blog) because he thought that I had backstabbed him in some sort, and pointed me out especially for the split-up of my class into two main factions: he claiming his 'gang' and my 'gang'. Initially, when I read his blog I was really hurt, or rather, affected by some of the things he said about me. Well, things like Bast***, Shi*, Fuck*r,and more vile words aimed at me, as well as occasionally blasting my other classmates whom he thought made him like a total fool. I really didn't think he disliked me to such an extent, since he DID NOT express it so explicitly when we met in school. Guess he vented all his frustrations on his BLOG and criticized me for alot of things..I shall not go into it here.
I just want to make it clear to HIM although he most probably won't see this entry:
1. I am NOT what you described me to be as in YOUR bloody blog
2. All the time you lambasted me on your blog that I speak with no actions, how about you, if you aren't happy with me, tell me IN MY FACE!
3. Regarding your saga with a certain gal, I did what I thought was right and please, DO NOT MAKE IT SOUND AS IF you are a fucking victim out of everything. I can't possibly tell you to stop liking someone so I encouraged you out of goodwill to keep going. Is THAT wrong?
4. IF YOU CAN'T GET A GIRL, don't blame others. Ask yourself why the girl wasn't attracted to you and try to improve on it. QUIT COMPLAINING that others are handsome and that you are fuckface.
5. For the record, I DID NOT usurp the 'throne' as you said of being the CT Rep in class. PLEASE, like I give a damn about that title. You can have it all you want.
6. YOU GOT YOUR STORY WRONG. You were NEVER the class mascot at the start of the term and neither everyone's best friend, at least not for me.
7. And quit your paranoia. Since when do I always stare at you during lectures? For fuck's sake if I wanted to stare you'd be the last person I'd stare at. Crazy.
8. You ASSUME too much. Very interesting story of me trying to upset your GOOD FRIEND by taking the same bus as the girl he liked. Dun be childish can, so I can't go near a girl that you or your fren has a liking for? Moreover, we both stay in the east and are classmates so I don't get your point seriously.
9. You claim I go around telling people I will fail my tests and results, and then I end up with full marks for my Chem Prac. And, you keep harping on other examples to quote? That was the only occasion FYI, the rest of the times I said I would do badly and I really did, at least not to my expectations. FYI I got D E O O for my prelims, you cool with that? So BLOODY ASS STOP using the same example in like 200 of your entries?
10. Don't let your jealousy get the better of you. Touching a girl on her shoulder is an outrage of modesty? THEN THE WHOLE OF VJC males has committed it at least once. I'm surprised you even bother to count and observe the number of times the guys in my 'gang' did that. And there is a difference between molestation and making fun of them. DUN EXAGGERATE.
11. If you hate me that much, why haven't you deleted me on your MSN contact list? Thanks to Meebo, I discovered you still have me. For bad-mouthing me behind my back, you deserve to die and I have already removed you from my list.
The bottomline is, I think you should go do a reality-check on yourself. I don't hate you for writing such vile comments about me, but after reading your blog, I've learnt something really valuable: You can't please everyone in life. Some will hate you, some will like you.
You are the first person I know that really hated me so much. If you count your two good friends in your 'gang', I guess that adds up to 3. And all because of the girls you and your friend liked that caused so much unhappiness between us.. enough for you to conjure up such a wonderful storyline that had me as the main actor, and with other classmates not in your 'gang' serving as a marvellous supporting cast.
For my former classmates who happen to be reading this, you should know who I'm referring to.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Choon Guang, who I believe turned 20 yesterday...May you have many returns! Although we do not see each other often, but you've been one great pal and it has been my pleasure knowing you..missed those 3 months in VJ where we bullshited crap together...HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Twins Jiv and Jay, who will both turn 20 on Nov 10 2006. Hoped you like the T-Shirt man Jay! I chose you betta wear it the next time round we meet up. And Jiv, you hairy-chested niggy, you betta wear those shorts we bought for you..I chose it too! Thank me first for not letting Henry do the choosing...haha..anyway just like to let you know you have been such a busted but I like people like you because that means I have one more person to crap with! Haha...You twins enjoy your upcoming 20th and we'll continue tormenting Henry ya? :)
Twins Jiv and Jay, who will both turn 20 on Nov 10 2006. Hoped you like the T-Shirt man Jay! I chose you betta wear it the next time round we meet up. And Jiv, you hairy-chested niggy, you betta wear those shorts we bought for you..I chose it too! Thank me first for not letting Henry do the choosing...haha..anyway just like to let you know you have been such a busted but I like people like you because that means I have one more person to crap with! Haha...You twins enjoy your upcoming 20th and we'll continue tormenting Henry ya? :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Do You Still Dare To Wear CROCS?
Before I start on the main topic for this entry, I'd like to recommend a recent movie I've watched: THE GUARDIAN starring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.
I'll skip the storyline and stuffs la, you can always read those in other websites that offer better content. But the director's pick for Ashton Kutcher to be one of the movie's main actors was spot-on. His acting definitely surpassed my expectations and I can't think of anyone else that can do his role at this moment in time haha. I really want to recommend this show because I enjoyed it throughout. Go watch it if you haven't before it's too late!
CLEMCUBE rates THE GUARDIAN: 4.5/5 for it's great storyline.
Pity I did not have the time to watch THE PRESTIGE and THE DEPARTED because I also heard from my friends that they were great shows to watch as well. And I've decided to give THE COVENANT a miss becuase Qisheng told me it wasn't good. Guess I don't want to waste my precious money on bad movies...I've had bad experiences haha..need to spend the money elsewhere :]
Well, on to the main topic..not to sound offensive or anything...but what's with toddlers losing their toes these days? 2 cases in 3 days is a worrying sight, hopefully not more to come man..I feel sorry for those two kids who lost their toes, and if they are still suffering from their traumatic experience (come on, wouldn't you be shocked to have lost a toe to a seemingly harmless escalator?), I wish for their speedy recovery.
The question now is: Who is to blame? The escalator? The kids for sticking their feet near the sides of the escalator? Or the type of footwear they were wearing? Coincidently, the footwear of the toddlers who lost their toes were believed to be wearing CROCS, you know, the very popular rubber sandal-like footwear with many holes for your feet to breathe (If feet could breathe haha)?? Yeah that's it. If you read The Straits Times Nov 7 edition, there was an article in it which quoted experts saying that studies have shown that rubber-material footwear are more prone to get stuck at the sides of the escalators as compared to normal footwear material like leather or canvas.
Well, personally, I do not want to condemn those people who spent $50 for a pair of poser footwear but don't you think it's really dumb to get footwear which endangers your feet? Yes, I admit I was once fascinated by it's design when it first came out but after seeing the amount of people blindly following the trend it really began to put me off. And, after thinking long, I began to question myself on why I even contemplated on getting a pair for my own use. $50 can give you 25 plates of delicious Chicken Rice ya noe? Haha..
Now, with toddlers increasingly facing the risk of getting their toe severed, who dares to purchase any more CROCS? I bet sales of CROCS have significantly plunged down by at least 50% after the first incident. I even hear that imitation CROCs have decreased their sale price as well...if it ain't cheap you can get them for $3.90 instead of $5.90! Haha...roadside vendors do follow news too, apparently..Are the parents of the toddlers affected now going to file a lawsuit against CROCS? Hehe..that would be interesting eh..although highly unlikely becuase there is no real solid argument to justify how CROCS have caused the unfortunate incident directly... ultimately the toddler's legs are controlled by himself/herself..not CROCS! Haha..
CROCS seems to be the next bubble tea phenomenon in any way you look at it. People are going crazy over it, and it will just die down soon enough..maybe faster than expected due to such unforseen ciurcumstances.
Will you still buy CROCS? If they slash their price by 50%? Will it still appeal to public?
Before I start on the main topic for this entry, I'd like to recommend a recent movie I've watched: THE GUARDIAN starring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.
I'll skip the storyline and stuffs la, you can always read those in other websites that offer better content. But the director's pick for Ashton Kutcher to be one of the movie's main actors was spot-on. His acting definitely surpassed my expectations and I can't think of anyone else that can do his role at this moment in time haha. I really want to recommend this show because I enjoyed it throughout. Go watch it if you haven't before it's too late!
CLEMCUBE rates THE GUARDIAN: 4.5/5 for it's great storyline.
Pity I did not have the time to watch THE PRESTIGE and THE DEPARTED because I also heard from my friends that they were great shows to watch as well. And I've decided to give THE COVENANT a miss becuase Qisheng told me it wasn't good. Guess I don't want to waste my precious money on bad movies...I've had bad experiences haha..need to spend the money elsewhere :]
Well, on to the main topic..not to sound offensive or anything...but what's with toddlers losing their toes these days? 2 cases in 3 days is a worrying sight, hopefully not more to come man..I feel sorry for those two kids who lost their toes, and if they are still suffering from their traumatic experience (come on, wouldn't you be shocked to have lost a toe to a seemingly harmless escalator?), I wish for their speedy recovery.
The question now is: Who is to blame? The escalator? The kids for sticking their feet near the sides of the escalator? Or the type of footwear they were wearing? Coincidently, the footwear of the toddlers who lost their toes were believed to be wearing CROCS, you know, the very popular rubber sandal-like footwear with many holes for your feet to breathe (If feet could breathe haha)?? Yeah that's it. If you read The Straits Times Nov 7 edition, there was an article in it which quoted experts saying that studies have shown that rubber-material footwear are more prone to get stuck at the sides of the escalators as compared to normal footwear material like leather or canvas.
Well, personally, I do not want to condemn those people who spent $50 for a pair of poser footwear but don't you think it's really dumb to get footwear which endangers your feet? Yes, I admit I was once fascinated by it's design when it first came out but after seeing the amount of people blindly following the trend it really began to put me off. And, after thinking long, I began to question myself on why I even contemplated on getting a pair for my own use. $50 can give you 25 plates of delicious Chicken Rice ya noe? Haha..
Now, with toddlers increasingly facing the risk of getting their toe severed, who dares to purchase any more CROCS? I bet sales of CROCS have significantly plunged down by at least 50% after the first incident. I even hear that imitation CROCs have decreased their sale price as well...if it ain't cheap you can get them for $3.90 instead of $5.90! Haha...roadside vendors do follow news too, apparently..Are the parents of the toddlers affected now going to file a lawsuit against CROCS? Hehe..that would be interesting eh..although highly unlikely becuase there is no real solid argument to justify how CROCS have caused the unfortunate incident directly... ultimately the toddler's legs are controlled by himself/herself..not CROCS! Haha..
CROCS seems to be the next bubble tea phenomenon in any way you look at it. People are going crazy over it, and it will just die down soon enough..maybe faster than expected due to such unforseen ciurcumstances.
Will you still buy CROCS? If they slash their price by 50%? Will it still appeal to public?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
ClemCube Goes Vien
Due to increasing pressure from his peers to give a dinner treat as a result of his successful enrolment into Monash School Of Medicine, Henry magnanimously agreed. So he decided to give his closer friends a wonderful treat at this international buffet place called 'Vienna' @ United Square. It cost him 40 per person which meant a total bill amounting to 160. Haha pretty expensive you would say but I will do the same too because I think it's a great achievement to get accepted into a good school famous for that area of study.
At first look, the food in the buffet looked promising. I thought that for 40 bucks, it was natural for them to have seafood, sashimi, and other exotic stuff...they even have abalone rice! Which was actually pretty disgusting so I did not try..Their bold attempt at making shark's fin soup failed miserably as I could tell it was fake on my first taste. It tasted like latex (raw material used for manufacturing rubber), or at least I think it would. But Hian Liang was really satisfied with their dessert selections..which included some Jap ice cream, Chocolate Fondue (although the choice of fruits were few), and cheesecakes. Complement these with hashima and fruit cocktail, I do not have much complaints about their desserts.
However, I will like to comment on their Teppanyaki, it was awesomely YAK-KY. Their chicken and beef were served in overwhelming portions, and while it was the same for their lamb and fish, at least the latter didn't taste that bad. And the vegetables were much worse. If you go there never try that. Finally, their Pasta counter was fucking low-standard too. Their pasta sauce was hard to consume, and it didn't help when the serving looked so watery, nothing like those pastas you can find in Pastamania or even Cartel. Give me 40 bucks and I can cook much better pasta for you to eat man...
The highlight of the restaurant was their tea. All four of us showed our dark side when we took home quite a number of high-quality teabags when we were not supposed to..haha..but heck we didn't care. Apparently it was to make our money worth, since I was kinda disappointed with their main courses...
CLEMCUBE ratings for VIENNA International Seafood & Teppanyaki Buffet Restaurant:
Food: 2.5/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Price: 1/5
Overall: 2.5/5
CLEMCUBE will most likely not go there for a buffet meal in the future because it is too costly and considering the quality of food served there, CLEMCUBE maintains his stand that the 40 bucks per head is far too expensive and not worth it at all.
Here are some pictures taken by Henry during the buffet dinner...Hian Liang!! Send me your pix pls!!!

Henry and Myself

Hian Liang can't stop himself from indulging in the chocolate fondue..he kept standing next to the chocolate fountain and no one else had the chance of coating their fruits with chocolate.

ZZ accidentally chewing on plastic while consuming a plate of sushi. Should have seen the look on his face...looked really dumb haha.

The outstanding selection of tea @ Vienna

Sorry man, we still did it.
Also, I would like to take this chance to wish Hian Liang all the very best in whatever he does in Edinburgh...ORD LOH! Have fun studying dude! Don't let me catch you with a white chick next time man haha!
Oh..OCT 30..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RUSSEL!! Happy balls to you and meet up soon ok joker!
Due to increasing pressure from his peers to give a dinner treat as a result of his successful enrolment into Monash School Of Medicine, Henry magnanimously agreed. So he decided to give his closer friends a wonderful treat at this international buffet place called 'Vienna' @ United Square. It cost him 40 per person which meant a total bill amounting to 160. Haha pretty expensive you would say but I will do the same too because I think it's a great achievement to get accepted into a good school famous for that area of study.
At first look, the food in the buffet looked promising. I thought that for 40 bucks, it was natural for them to have seafood, sashimi, and other exotic stuff...they even have abalone rice! Which was actually pretty disgusting so I did not try..Their bold attempt at making shark's fin soup failed miserably as I could tell it was fake on my first taste. It tasted like latex (raw material used for manufacturing rubber), or at least I think it would. But Hian Liang was really satisfied with their dessert selections..which included some Jap ice cream, Chocolate Fondue (although the choice of fruits were few), and cheesecakes. Complement these with hashima and fruit cocktail, I do not have much complaints about their desserts.
However, I will like to comment on their Teppanyaki, it was awesomely YAK-KY. Their chicken and beef were served in overwhelming portions, and while it was the same for their lamb and fish, at least the latter didn't taste that bad. And the vegetables were much worse. If you go there never try that. Finally, their Pasta counter was fucking low-standard too. Their pasta sauce was hard to consume, and it didn't help when the serving looked so watery, nothing like those pastas you can find in Pastamania or even Cartel. Give me 40 bucks and I can cook much better pasta for you to eat man...
The highlight of the restaurant was their tea. All four of us showed our dark side when we took home quite a number of high-quality teabags when we were not supposed to..haha..but heck we didn't care. Apparently it was to make our money worth, since I was kinda disappointed with their main courses...
CLEMCUBE ratings for VIENNA International Seafood & Teppanyaki Buffet Restaurant:
Food: 2.5/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Price: 1/5
Overall: 2.5/5
CLEMCUBE will most likely not go there for a buffet meal in the future because it is too costly and considering the quality of food served there, CLEMCUBE maintains his stand that the 40 bucks per head is far too expensive and not worth it at all.
Here are some pictures taken by Henry during the buffet dinner...Hian Liang!! Send me your pix pls!!!

Henry and Myself

Hian Liang can't stop himself from indulging in the chocolate fondue..he kept standing next to the chocolate fountain and no one else had the chance of coating their fruits with chocolate.

ZZ accidentally chewing on plastic while consuming a plate of sushi. Should have seen the look on his face...looked really dumb haha.

The outstanding selection of tea @ Vienna

Sorry man, we still did it.
Also, I would like to take this chance to wish Hian Liang all the very best in whatever he does in Edinburgh...ORD LOH! Have fun studying dude! Don't let me catch you with a white chick next time man haha!
Oh..OCT 30..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RUSSEL!! Happy balls to you and meet up soon ok joker!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Ugliest Premiership Players
As the title explains itself, let me present to you ClemCube's list of top 10 ugliest premiership players. Disclaimer: Clemcube has nothing against these players, and just personally feel that they are born with such looks and can't really change it unless they go for plastic surgery or some sort.

10. Diouf (Bolton) - This guy looks like some silly twat asking for a beating. He scores freaking tyco goals and his nickname 'The Serial Spitter' really complements his sickening looks.
9. Traore (Charlton) - Go to the net and search for his pic and tell me your honest opinion.
8. Campo (Bolton) - If this guy changes his hairdresser I might consider taking him out of the top 10 list. Why does this guy insist curly hair suits him best when it's obviously not the case?
Wonder what is the growth rate of lice in his hair. :p

7. Darren Bent (Charlton) - Looks like a total brute to me. Maybe it's his big mouth or something?
6. Chimbonda (Tottenham) - I don't know. Maybe he should have been higher in the rankings but he really looks ugly to me. Haha.
5. Kuyt (Liverpool) - I gotta be fair man. Although I love this guy and am a Liverpool fan, there shouldn't be much debate at him coming in at 5th. He is very white and his hair colour doesn't really help things. But things aside he will achieve great things at Liverpool!

4. Murphy (Tottenham) - To me, he can't be any uglier. Realise that his head is shaven such that there is a sharp end at the center of his forehead? WTH, it makes him look worse really.
3. Adebayor (Arsenal) - This guy was originally my top pick to be ugliest of the lot. But I changed my mind. Scroll down to see who made the top 2.

2. Bullard (Fulham) - He looks really old but is considerably young. Similar to Kuyt, his skin and hair colour just don't match and hence the ugliness. Who can possibly be uglier than him, you may ask? Anyway, ClemCube would like to wish Bullard a speedy recovery from his horiffic leg injury.

1. Kanu (Portsmouth) - Clemcube's pick for ugliest premiership player. Do you agree?
Please post your valuable comments...tell me if u think there are other players worse than this lot of 10..

10. Diouf (Bolton) - This guy looks like some silly twat asking for a beating. He scores freaking tyco goals and his nickname 'The Serial Spitter' really complements his sickening looks.
9. Traore (Charlton) - Go to the net and search for his pic and tell me your honest opinion.
8. Campo (Bolton) - If this guy changes his hairdresser I might consider taking him out of the top 10 list. Why does this guy insist curly hair suits him best when it's obviously not the case?
Wonder what is the growth rate of lice in his hair. :p

7. Darren Bent (Charlton) - Looks like a total brute to me. Maybe it's his big mouth or something?
6. Chimbonda (Tottenham) - I don't know. Maybe he should have been higher in the rankings but he really looks ugly to me. Haha.
5. Kuyt (Liverpool) - I gotta be fair man. Although I love this guy and am a Liverpool fan, there shouldn't be much debate at him coming in at 5th. He is very white and his hair colour doesn't really help things. But things aside he will achieve great things at Liverpool!

4. Murphy (Tottenham) - To me, he can't be any uglier. Realise that his head is shaven such that there is a sharp end at the center of his forehead? WTH, it makes him look worse really.
3. Adebayor (Arsenal) - This guy was originally my top pick to be ugliest of the lot. But I changed my mind. Scroll down to see who made the top 2.

2. Bullard (Fulham) - He looks really old but is considerably young. Similar to Kuyt, his skin and hair colour just don't match and hence the ugliness. Who can possibly be uglier than him, you may ask? Anyway, ClemCube would like to wish Bullard a speedy recovery from his horiffic leg injury.

1. Kanu (Portsmouth) - Clemcube's pick for ugliest premiership player. Do you agree?
Please post your valuable comments...tell me if u think there are other players worse than this lot of 10..
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Frightening Friday
Let's just say I'm lucky enough to be sitting down in front of my computer blogging right now.
It was something which I really did not expect to happen, and something which I hope will not happen for the rest of my life again.
For those who still don't know what happened to me, I was involved in an accident on Friday. For those who witnessed it, it's really up to you to judge whether you felt it was minor or not. To me, being involved in an accident was bad enough for me, so think at one point in time I thought I was going to die..haha..guess I was really fortunate to have escaped without any serious injuries. In those sort of situations, anything could have happened. But because the other car who knocked into the car I was sitting in was speeding, the impact was rather overwhelming and it caused me to suffer from a whiplash or some sort. To make things worse, I was sitting closest to the smashed part of the car,and the collision caused my chest muscles to jerk suddenly and this forced motion caused me to suffer severe pain in my chest and neck area for a few days.
And my dear colleagues, please believe me it still hurts a little until today (Damn it I'm not faking it or chao-keng lor!!). I'll probably give it a few more days to see whether the pain eventually subsides, if not I think I will seek the doctor's advise again.
I really don't want to go through every detail about the accident..Many people have told me that I can actually seek monetary claims from the fucker who smashed into the car I was sitting in that fateful day...I did think aboout it. But since Human(name not mentioned to protect identity) did not want to blow matters up, I will respect his decision. After all, he fetched me to the destination out of goodwill so I shouldn't give him more trouble. You know the thing about money and claims and whatever, the paperwork really makes you go mad..
Anyway this whole incident is over and we should just move unforgettable experience and maybe a lesson for other drivers out there, SAFETY FIRST, NO MATTER WHAT.
With that, I shall sum it up with this poster:
Let's just say I'm lucky enough to be sitting down in front of my computer blogging right now.
It was something which I really did not expect to happen, and something which I hope will not happen for the rest of my life again.
For those who still don't know what happened to me, I was involved in an accident on Friday. For those who witnessed it, it's really up to you to judge whether you felt it was minor or not. To me, being involved in an accident was bad enough for me, so think at one point in time I thought I was going to die..haha..guess I was really fortunate to have escaped without any serious injuries. In those sort of situations, anything could have happened. But because the other car who knocked into the car I was sitting in was speeding, the impact was rather overwhelming and it caused me to suffer from a whiplash or some sort. To make things worse, I was sitting closest to the smashed part of the car,and the collision caused my chest muscles to jerk suddenly and this forced motion caused me to suffer severe pain in my chest and neck area for a few days.
And my dear colleagues, please believe me it still hurts a little until today (Damn it I'm not faking it or chao-keng lor!!). I'll probably give it a few more days to see whether the pain eventually subsides, if not I think I will seek the doctor's advise again.
I really don't want to go through every detail about the accident..Many people have told me that I can actually seek monetary claims from the fucker who smashed into the car I was sitting in that fateful day...I did think aboout it. But since Human(name not mentioned to protect identity) did not want to blow matters up, I will respect his decision. After all, he fetched me to the destination out of goodwill so I shouldn't give him more trouble. You know the thing about money and claims and whatever, the paperwork really makes you go mad..
Anyway this whole incident is over and we should just move unforgettable experience and maybe a lesson for other drivers out there, SAFETY FIRST, NO MATTER WHAT.
With that, I shall sum it up with this poster:

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