How appropriate.
Today is teacher's day and I have decided to pay a tribute to the teachers who have taught me before and whom I think deserves my respect. This idea originally came about thanks to Kian Guan, whom I met on Wednesday for dinner. Haven't met him in a real long time already, and it was nice to have been able to catch up with him @ Parkway that day.
We dined at Crystal Jade Kitchen where I had my favourite roast chicken and duck porridge, while he made a wrong choice in ordering 'Fried Rice With Egg And Crab Meat'. His dish was overstuffed with vegetable cubes and it looked too green to be edible for a plate of Fried Rice. The portions of REAL crab meat (not those red and white cylinder-shaped stuff you can get in supermarkets) were miserably little and the food was definitely not worth the price of $10.90. So don't order that dish for your next dose of crystal jade, for you might regret it. :)
Let's get back on track here.. after dinner we played some pool and chilled out over at McCafe where we talked about alot of things during our VS days. If only we could turn back time and experience those days again...I guess girls will never understand how fun life in an all-boys school can get. So many crazy things we are capable of doing and stuffs.. I wonder how the teachers in VS were able to cope with it last time. Haha.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teachers in VS and VJC whom I tot were outstanding in one way or another, and at this same time, I would like to blast some of my teachers too whom I think are not fit to be appreciated on this very meaningful day.
Ms Lau Hui Bian(Sec 1 Maths)Thanks for being such a bitch and always looking down on me. I remember there was once I did not study for my Maths Test and eventually failed, you lambasted me like hell and made me felt like some dumb fuck. You also criticized me for not putting in much effort for Maths. HELLO. Get your facts rite. Maths is my favourite subject, and why would I not be putting in effort for it? Thanks to your castigation, I so bloody wanted to prove you wrong and I got an A for my subsequent Maths Test and Exams during Sec 1.
Mr Anuar Ikhwan(Sec 1 Geography)I think he is both a fantastic teacher and a friend. He teaches well in class and almost all his lessons are so interesting. He listens to your problems too and he is just an amazing individual. Full respect for him. So lucky to have been in his form class for Sec 1. And in truth, he was one of the main reasons why I joined Concert Band as my CCA and I have never regretted since then.
Mrs Ho Beng Huat(Sec 2 Maths)As strict as she can get, I feel she is actually one of the best Maths teachers VS has to offer. She teaches her topics clearly, gives you a tremendous amount of homework to do so that you get to reinforce the concepts thoroughly in your head.
Mr Jimmy Chan(Sec 2 D&T)You are the man. You truly wanted us to learn. I remember you so graciously gave us the answers to every test questions before every D&T test itself. You were one amazing teacher with your unique style of teaching. Respect is all I have for you.
Mr Alvin Lim(Sec 3 A.Maths)You could really connect with us. One who taught us well, was like a brother to us, and never angry with us even though we may have upset you in some way or another. Kian Guan was telling me how you gave him that one vital mark for E Maths during the prelims so that he could push his grade up and have an L1R5 good enough to enter VJC for the first 3 mths. Amazing teacher who understands how much pressure students face to perform well in their studies. Kudos to you.
Mr Wang Jun(Sec 3/4 Chinese)I respect him for his passion in teaching. Although I always slack and doze off during his lessons, I know that he really wants to share his knowledge with us. He is brilliant in the language and he just needs to improve his teaching skills. The 'A1' I scored for Chinese@O Level is specially dedicated to you.
Mrs Lee Kian Soon(Sec 4 Chemistry)One hell of a great teacher. Just explains why she is HOD Science. Really teaches so well that you have to understand the concepts. If you do not, you can always ask her and she is always there to help you out. She doesn't believe in scolding her students, and she earns full marks for that.
Mr Richard Phua(Sec 4 A.Maths)He is what you get when you mix an emotionless individual, some cold humour and lots of great teaching. HOD Maths, he proved me totally wrong when I tot he could not teach as well as Mr Alvin Lim. He teaches the concepts with clarity, and is another teacher who gives tons of homework so that you can reinforce the topics taught in class.
Ms Loh Sing Huay(Sec 4 Biology)How can I forget you? The best Bio teacher by miles in VS. You will always be a great teacher in my heart. The 'A1' I got for Bio@ O Level is dedicated to you.
Mr Michael Lim(JC Physics)I enjoyed almost all the Physics lessons with you in JC times. You made us understand Physics topics so well even though we always skipped always joined in the fun whenever me, HJ, Ken, Koay and Russ talked bullshit in class. And when it's time to be serious you always are. A teacher young at heart, he totally made me enjoy Physics for 2 years even though it wasn't my favourite subject. You know, you play soccer real well. Missed those times when we talked about Liverpool's performances after lessons haha..I'm sorry I let you down because I din do well for my Physics@A Level.
Mr Lim Cher Chuan(JC Chemistry)You are one biased bastard, looking after the best students in the class and always neglecting poeple like me, HJ, Russ and others. You only look at results and it's true. If I'm not socring well you will just leave me to die. It's kind of different treatment to different groups of people. Being in your class was a bad experience because I always think that I'm unimportant to you. For that, thumps down to you.
And finally,
Mr Basil Chan(JC Economics)Fun-loving and crappy teacher. He teaches economics but is so anti-economics. Haha. His lessons are interesting most of the times and he tries his best to get the concepts across to us. During the time between my prelims and As, he spent time and tutored me personally to correct my mistakes on econs essays and I was glad there was significant improvement. Thank you Mr Chan.
For those I have commented, thank you for your hard work. For the two people I have played down, you don't deserve my respect and I hope you have actually changed for the better after I graduated. For those I did not or forgot to mention, happy teacher's day nevertheless! Your efforts will definitely be appreciated by me in one way or another in my heart.
Thank you.