I have been playing some tennis recently and I'm already in love with this sport. It's a great way to work out the body as well as build up the arm muscles as tennis involves the technique of swinging your arm to hit the ball over the other side of the court. I'm even contemplating to sign up for tennis courses after I ORD or even better still, hire a tennis coach! Haha.. Madness.. Anyways, just bought my new tennis racquet. The brand is PRINCE and its made of Titanium. The racquet is really light and I can't wait to start using it next week. Promise I'm gonna thrash Henry's ass with his new racquet of mine! Haha. Thing to note: Queensway really sells cheap racquets...or least I think so. Mine is a considerably good one and it cost me 85 only! :)

And how is this for Liverpool's new home kit for the upcoming EPL season? I'm so glad they decided to change it from Reebok to Adidas haha! I'm definitely goin to purchase one of these when I have sufficient funds to spent haha..
If you have been watching TV ads, I would like to share with you my opinion on this particular tourism ad. Recall the 'Taiwan' ad often shown on TV recently? I think its fuckin ridiculous, I don't even understand what they are trying to convey! Their slogon 'Flying High Flying Taiwan' is already absurd, to make it worst in the ad they hav this woman and a fat man flying around parts of Taiwan. What for? It's totally laughable and ridiculous and whoever made this ad is a joke. Total flop. I'm not going to be least attracted to go to Taiwan with such advertising? Never! Haha...but with that said..I still wanna go Taiwan because of the food...the Karaoke there and everything...I feel food is such an important aspect in attracting visitors to Taiwan but why didn't the ad show any of these? On the other hand, I tot the HK tourism ad featuring Daniel Wu and that reather pretty woman was really good. Taiwan should start learning from their Hongkie frens on how to make better ads. Well, if I ever get a chance to visit Taiwan, you must be my food guide Grace! Haha...
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